How To Add/Update a Profile Picture in the App

Adding or Editing a Profile Picture in the app.

In order to update your profile picture in the app please follow the below steps.

  1. From the Home Page, tap the three lines in the lower left corner and select "Settings."
  2. Tap "Edit Profile"
  3. If you do not have the picture you would like to use already saved to your device, tap the "Camera" Button to take a new profile picture. 
    1. Once you take the photo you can select either "Retake" to take another picture, or "Use Photo" to use the picture in your profile
  4. If you do already have a photo you would like to use, tap on the "Photos" Button, then select the picture you wish to use.

The picture you select will then appear in place of the default silhouette image as your new profile picture. If you wish to choose a new photo simply tap on the "Delete" button and select a new photo for your account.

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